A mother. A wife. A Christian. A lover of people. A lover of beauty. A lover of color.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


As if there's an audience already, thanks for stopping by or tuning in or skimming through this blog which is in conjunction with the website Favia's Artistry
I am elated about posting, building an audience, & eventually creating conversations about make-up & whatever other aspects of life that intertwine. Let's talk about the blog & the blogger(s). Although the artist is the purpose, she is not the poster. I, Shanette, her cousin, am the creator & contributor for the blog. However, Monique, the artist, is the actual expert! Now who is Monique?  

Monique Melton was born in Saint Louis, Missouri and she currently resides in the Southern Maryland. She has worked at MAC cosmetics as a freelance artist. Currently, she works with area hair stylist, photographers, film producers, spas, and models as a freelance makeup artist. She also owns and operates a private makeup artistry business, Favia's ARTistry. It caters to a variety of the elements in the beauty and fashion industry. She has participated in several fashion and hair shows, including Bronner Brothers, Golden Scissors, and Milky Way Hair shows. Her work has been seen on BET, television commercials and in print ads for yellow pages and style guide magazine. She is a very versatile and creative artist--always seeking new and better opportunities to grow as an artist and as a person.

We will be tag-teaming the posts & managing the comments to ensure all questions or inquiries are answered in a timely fashion. We're extremely excited about the future of the blog, which will include tips, trends, videos, & contests (YAY) as well as services Monique offers. 

Please subscribe & enjoy!
